
Introduction to jQuery and Web Development


jQuery is a powerful javascript library that enables many operations in the client side of browser. It provides from the functionality of creating and removing the DOM objects, changing their attributes and CSS properties, animating the elements to client side validation of the user input fields and many more.

In web development, there are client and server side scripts. PHP and JSP are server side scripts while javascript is a client side script. If the user input is to be validated as the user types, one validation can be done using javascript code on the client side and next can be done using AJAX that interacts to the server to get realtime validation from server. Most interactions in the webpage is accomplished by using javascript.

In web development the trend is to divide the complete task of web development into two sections: design and develop. Design means creating looks of each page of website by using graphical editing tools like photoshop. When a designer designs how webpages should look, the different sections are sliced finally to change the graphical view of webpages to HTML and CSS coded sections. The looks in design is kept same using CSS rules over HTML tags and divs.

Now developers are assigned the javascript tasks . So every user interaction and dynamic manipulation of DOM elements in the webpage is carried out using javascript, jQuery and other libraries dependent on jQuery. These days design and javascript capabilities are done with the help of Bootstrap library. Bootstrap provides built-in classes to give great looks and functionalities to webpages. Bootstrap is so powerful that even some jQuery concepts can power you with great implementations in webpages. High level applications can be made even with less knowledge. However basic concepts shouldn't be ignored to be a real developer. This is how static webpages are created and they dont need server side programming scripts to build and deploy.

But what when someone wants dynamic content in the webpages based on user inputs and information from some files in server or from database. In such case, server side scripts like PHP and JSP can come into play.


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